Yes, just done it and emailed a local agent. £110 for the deposit which I assume includes the gas but got that info of the suppliers rather than the agent who is local. Waiting on the email for refill price and confirmation of deposit cost from local agent.

That’s about the same as mine. Hopefully that’s a lot cheaper than the quote you had before.
Just been to local weldy place, took the torch with me and got a 1.6mm tungsten and the other bits you need plus a new cup as mine was damaged.View attachment 219427asked about gas and got a shock.
Hobby type hire thing...
Small bottle £215 ready filled, refill £65.
Argo same price:eek::(
Is that the BOC thing? And how big is the bottle?
I get mine from a local chap that is an agent for "Adams Gas UK" You pay a deposit on the tank and for the gas then exchange/refills are just the cost of the gas.
I think my 20L Pure Argon was £80 deposit and £85.35 for the 20L at 200Bar.
Is that the BOC thing? And how big is the bottle?
I get mine from a local chap that is an agent for "Adams Gas UK" You pay a deposit on the tank and for the gas then exchange/refills are just the cost of the gas.
I think my 20L Pure Argon was £80 deposit and £85.35 for the 20L at 200Bar.
It wasn't BOC I recall that, but can't remember the name from shock:oops:
This is the quote from the hobby gas agent, much better.
They also didn't answer my question
" Does the initial deposit also include gas?"
I suspect not.
Just checked out Adams gas, couple of agents near to me, not as near as the hobby weld guys but close enough not to be a total pain.
Got to ring their agents to get a price though. Cylinder is 10ltrs from them, couldn't find any larger ones on their 'no rent' selection.
Had a play with the new 1.6mm tungsten, did two short runs, no filler rod just pushing the pool along for a laugh.
The bead is only 4mm or so wide and looks better than the pic so quite pleased, 1.6mm sheet steel 30amps iirc.
They also didn't answer my question
" Does the initial deposit also include gas?"
I suspect not.
Just checked out Adams gas, couple of agents near to me, not as near as the hobby weld guys but close enough not to be a total pain.
Got to ring their agents to get a price though. Cylinder is 10ltrs from them, couldn't find any larger ones on their 'no rent' selection.

That quote you have is still more than I paid, and no the first “rent” doesn’t include the gas charge. Mine was £50 for the bottle and £50 for the gas, so a first payment of £100, then £50 each fill after. You just take your empty in, pay the £50, and walk out with a new cylinder full. I should still have the original receipt somewhere, I will see if I can find it.
Does quality of the tungsten differ?
Want to get some 1.6mm spares red tops, pack of 5 on eBay for under £5 posted and up to £8 each from other sellers, all UK based.
Probably get some cups too.
Is that the BOC thing? And how big is the bottle?
I get mine from a local chap that is an agent for "Adams Gas UK" You pay a deposit on the tank and for the gas then exchange/refills are just the cost of the gas.
I think my 20L Pure Argon was £80 deposit and £85.35 for the 20L at 200Bar.
I've found the 20ltr on Adams gas now but trade only, delivered to a trade address only.
I might be able to fiddle that though...
Does quality of the tungsten differ?
Want to get some 1.6mm spares red tops, pack of 5 on eBay for under £5 posted and up to £8 each from other sellers, all UK based.
Probably get some cups too.

We used to buy the less common electrodes from eBay, and the red ones from our weld supplier. We didn’t really find any difference, other than some of them don’t last long. I’m guessing that’s more down to the actual metals used in the manufacturing process than where they were bought from.

We used these for new torches and spare parts.

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