
New Member
got the landy home its 1970 still tax free but what an experiance to drive no power steering 50 mph reving its nut of but love it already. will put pics on when i work that out . cant seem to get the wipers to work 2 moters on each side of the screen had a fiddle but nothing .will do a search see if i can find out
Should be a little 'on/off' switch on them...unless they're buggered...get used to the er..high speed..oh, and get some earplugs if you're going to thrash it everywhere..
yeh switch on each moter looks like you have to pull it out and connect it to another small switch on the same moter still fiddling with it
The largest lever just twist and poull it slightly then rotate it until it locks onto the spindle the other lever switchs them on and off, when switched off pull the largest lever and park the wiper where you want it, its then disconnected from the motor.
Iirc they are run of the single fuse under the bonnet.
When one lever is located in the little hole on the other one its parked and disconnected.

right then list of things to sort out
washers u/s
wipers u/s
mainbeam not working
fuel gauge full all time but twin tanks one full other nearly empty
handbrake u/s
brakes not good
freewheeling hubs taped up think the are locked in

all in all not to much really but need the wipers sorting first and brakes think i will be busy for a while
fuond out tonight that the main beam switch is on the floor next to the clutch peddle will check it out in the morning.does anyone know if you can repair or rebuild the wiper moters or am i looking at new ones cheers

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