
Active Member
youll never believe this it started after much pi__ing about had it running for about 20 mins on the gas idling fine heaters on all very smooth i would say apart from couple things i know nothing nout!!!
the suspension has went right down to the wheel arches tyres are touching all round and orange light on dash showing car with arrow underneath whatever that means????
tried pressing the buttons on the dash in centre for suspension and nothing fuses look ok it wont lift or anything so help again!!!
you will need the cable for air sus, bout 12 quid on ebay or you can solder a cable in. prolly easier to get the cable off ebay tho!!!
whats the cable for and will it sort it? can you send me a link to see what it is? gav or proper name etc?
oh and the suspension switch in the middle the bit to the right of it with the 4 lights on it there all on orange is this right??
so if i get this cable and plug it in to laptop at car i should be able to solve this problem with the software?
also what causes this battery disconnected for days there while working?
plugs into lap top and into car pass side below glove box make sure you get one with soft wear and it just happens some times you get use to it its all for the love of r/r lol bet you happy with yourself
im delighted it started i have to admit that was a huge job for me! but i think the work is not over yet it does struggle to start takes bout 30 secs to a minute so something not right there have not done oil change yet i will do this in morning along with filter and rest of stp and i have a feeling theres a few other problems need looking at
well you know you can get all the help you need on here. i got 3 weeks out of mine before i had to do heads but once it on the road you forget all the **** you had with it/ till next time lol
if i get it all going good ill be happy and really fancied one i was really depressed when this all happened lol after only 3 hrs of driving it just want ti running right, i had it started but think long way to go before it actually starts when you turn the key!! as does take a bit of starting
if i get it all going good ill be happy and really fancied one i was really depressed when this all happened lol after only 3 hrs of driving it just want ti running right, i had it started but think long way to go before it actually starts when you turn the key!! as does take a bit of starting

Well done that man. :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
I'd like to add my congratulations for probably the most posts in the shortest amount of time, way more than me. :clap2:

Good effort tackling that job straight away, I wouldn't like to have done it. :clap2:
well, you were told there is nothing hard about these cars, i am suprised you have done it tho having no experience. you have done well!

just got to get it running sweet and you'll be laughing.
youll never believe this it started after much pi__ing about had it running for about 20 mins on the gas idling fine heaters on all very smooth i would say apart from couple things i know nothing nout!!!
the suspension has went right down to the wheel arches tyres are touching all round and orange light on dash showing car with arrow underneath whatever that means????
tried pressing the buttons on the dash in centre for suspension and nothing fuses look ok it wont lift or anything so help again!!!

Congratulations! I've been following your rebuild with great interest and I must say I'm very impressed. I did the heads on my old Rover P6 V8 (quite) a few years ago and it took me way way longer than it took you!

As for the air suspension, if it was working before you started the work then it sounds like a hard fault if it's down on the bump stops.

Get yourself an eas cable (plugs into the socket in the passenger side footwell). If your laptop doesn't have a serial port, you will need to make sure you get one with a USB to serial adaptor too. Some of them come with the EAS Unlock software too, but if it doesn't you can download it easily.

The software will allow you to read the faults on the EAS, clear them and unlock the EAS. Of course, they may come back again straight away if it's a real problem, but at least you'll have an idea what it is.

Loads of threads on here regarding the software and EAS, but RangeRovers.net have loads of info. Have a look at this page:

Air Suspension Faults, Diagnosis and Repair

All the best

THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP guys probably wouldint have done it without all the advice but its not over yet lol.
wheres the fuel filter i reckon its clogged with crap also im gonna replace it bount to help but cant see it anywhere?

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