
New Member
Hey , went to my first winch challenge yesterday with a mate of mine. Soon realised how badly my mostly standard 90 performed compared to modified trucks.
Looking for some advice on suspension set ups , been looking at Gwyn Lewis suspension kit looks quite good. Wondering on anybody elses opinions , experiences with this stuff.

Cheers Dirtymatt.:)
Would love to do th ewinch challenge but surely if you want to compete and come anywhere really need gigglepins winch front and rear or a hydraulic equilivent just for speed.

The other argument is to build a light as possible hybrid that weighs feck all plus 2 winches and try and use the weight advantage Jai
Yeah know what you mean. I have a blank canvas to start on you see as i have done very little with my truck.

The challenge i went on was only a local club.
before you start spending big bucks have you thought of just doing is slowely? some events have various classes (standard, standard +1, +2 etc).

+1 will be 1 aid of recovery, be it a locker or winch. +2, 1 locker, 1 winch or 2 winches etc. some if not most are starting to impose tyre restrictions too.

Doing it this way will also let you build your skills base and realise what bits help you do what in certain situations. for example, you know what standard diffs can do now, so fit a rear locker and see how its improved things. If you go straight from a standard to a £20,000 build you wont know your arse from your elbow!

Start with suspension set-up, tyres, front winch and take it from there...

Gyln Lewis kit is very good. He also sells Old Man Emu springs and shocks, which (IME) are the best by far, altho expensive.

Consider trying to make chances that maintain traction for longer, like locking diffs and bridging ladders, less winching the more ground you will cover more quickly.

One thing missed is team work. You need to trust co-driver and also have good communcations between the two of you. Winch and other recovery kit needs to be setup for ease of deployment and use. Shakles under a bonnet net and hard wired in cab winch controls are two musts......IMHO.

Apologies if any of this has been an egg sucking lesson.

Feel free to get in touch if there is anything that you feel I can do for you.
Thanks for the advice andyb66 , as for the co driver i "borrowed" me mates winch man who like you said you depend on a awfull lot!! Locking diff will come eventually I guess everyone will say ARB's are the best, as for hard wiring switches for the winch in the cab im already in the process of that.

Thanks again Matt.
because the 2 switches are rated at 25a overkill i know but i want strong and sturdy switch gear but the wires i intend on using to go into my solonoid box that are already in place behind the dash are only rated at 8 amps now im pretty sure its not as much as that looking at the wander lead wire thickness but i wondered if anyone else actually knew what its pulling amps wise Jai
yea i was thinking it would be more like 3 amps as its throwing a serious solonoid so i want to find out, more for curiosity than anything else Jai

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