thats what i thought, hence wanting the 4 :)

i see the 3+ is still pretty expensive!
I bought a GoPro 3+ the other day after a year of wanting one, and a weekend of umming and arring. I got it from amazon, and got a memory card, and accessory pack (non GoPro branded, 6 mounts for 20 quid!).

I have to say I couldn't be more pleased. The camera itself is the silver (basic) edition, and cost 200 quid. The quality is amazing, and I it's a product that should last a lonnnng time. I've made one video with it so far, and the quality isn't great because I had it on one of it's lower settings by accident, but I'm still happy.

I have yet to use it on my motorbike which I'm particularly exited about, and also strapping it to my yellow lab, to name a few awesome uses for it.

Probably the best thing about them though, is the app. Although the camera doesn't have a view finder, it does have a free app. Essentially, the camera kicks out a wifi signal, which you connect your phone to. Once connected you can
-Use the app to view the pics and vids on the cameras memory card
-Use the phone as a viewfinder (worked anywhere within about 20mtrs range)
-Change the cameras settings
-Begin, and stop recording.

Especially useful since at one point I strapped the camera to the car, and drove along using my phone as a viewfinder from within the car. Also handy to have the viewfinder in one hand, and be able to position the camera in an arkward place, without having to stoop or contort yourself to look at a normal camera's viewfinder.

Anyways, it get's my thumbs up! I'm just waiting for something to go tit's up with the landy now that I'm skint! lol

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