my latest freelander td4 auto hse is fantastic much better than the previous one but I must not complain really the old one did me proud 173000 miles
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my latest freelander td4 auto hse is fantastic much better than the previous one but I must nto complain really the old one did me proud 173000 miles

I agree my current 2005 model HSE is so much better than the 2002 model I had before. :D

I've decided to keep it until either I or it fall to bits. :rolleyes:

The new ones don't have BMW engines you see. ;)

Singvogel. :cool:
yes I agree i will do this also I was told when the freelander 2 came out I was told it was the same old td4 but bored out and I took it as that not seeing one how wrong that man wa and made me look a fool the other day on here never mind we all make mistakes especially when getting old
Freelanders only have 1 sunroof. Some contain 2 sheets of glass, others only 1. Either way it’s still 1 sunroof.

When yer driving down the road and yer pig ses “am hot, open the sunroof” you know what to do. Yer pig won’t ever say “oi potatoe head, am hot, open the second sunroof” would he. :p
Old Irish joke about the tourist calls into a small cottage and he ca'nt believe his eyes an old man sitting by the fire and 3 pigs in the corner, he says how can you live like this? what about the smell? he says Shur they get used to it!!!!!!!!!!!! Malcolm.

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