
Well-Known Member
Done some searches and couldnt find the answers needed.

All i want to know is that:

Are the Left & Right Head lights earthed together or individual?

Also are the Main beam & High beam individually earthed? per side?

If someone could help would be very handy

TD5 or TDI? -- As far as I can tell they are earthed at a common point, not individually.That help? :confused:
Its a 1985 N/A 2.5 Diesel - That does help thanks. because if i know there individually earthed then it makes fault finding easier if its earthed per beam then makes it little easier as more lickly the bulb. Just thought i would ask then i know i can always just run a new earth to them both and could solve the problem
Bulbs are the first things I check when a light doesn't work, I never assume it's an earth, it always seems to be a faulty bulb :rolleyes:
Thanks for the heads up - i had one working light tehn when pulling it out i found that the Right one only worked on High beam (right being passenger side) which both were working fine! Poxy thing haha - once the monsoon stops in the UK i will go outside and try to get to the bottom of all this!
Are they halogen or standard sealed beam? They will be twin filament, so it could be that on of the filaments have gone, low beam works on one filament, high beam turns off the low and puts on the other filament, if you pull the light stalk to 'flash' momentarily if will light both filaments, not sure this is good for the bulbs, but it's only momentary, unless you keep it pulled back :D
Well i think they are standard halogen as they have 2 filaments in them - From inspection from the outside they look like halogen bulbs as they tend to be bigger then sealed beam bulbs (also looks like muds got in at some point) am i correct in thinking that?

I hope its just a bulb change would make my life alot easier haha
Check the fuses after the bulbs ! And i dont mean visual - swap em abut mines looked fine - bulb was tested fine

Rewired light

Still nada

Swapped fuse before throwing in a match

And it worked
Haha that's called sods law isn't it haha!

Do you think I'm right in what I'm saying reference bulb neon halegon?
Looking again at wiring diagrams for the 12j engine up to 1986, and for those from 1986-91 the lights are individually earthed and not by a common earth. As above check the bulbs and the supply to these bulbs, so if there are a few bulbs not working, earthing would not be the immediate suspect.
Right ok - pleased someone understand them made diagrams!

Sounds more and more like bulb or fuse then doesn't it as I get high beam on one and nothing else. If it was earthed surely I would get nothing on the one which high beams!

Thanks for all this help guys it's helping me learn ten fold!
Just a quick thought, check the light stalk for continuity. I don't really understand why it did what it did but I had a similar problem with certain lights switching on and not others, turned out that when I went from side to dipped the switch wasn't making properly.
Right ok well that's ace because I can look now knowing more information and start at the bulb and if not then try all ideas you guys have helped with! Thanks guys

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