
New Member
Hi all
I have just joined you, got my freelander x reg DI a couple of months ago, really love it, but already got probs lol being a girl I'm afraid that means I'm going to have loads of questions for you........ sorry:)

Hi all
I have just joined you, got my freelander x reg DI a couple of months ago, really love it, but already got probs lol being a girl I'm afraid that means I'm going to have loads of questions for you........ sorry:)


we all have to start somewhere with lr ownership its just a shame you started on the bottom rung of the ladder.
but im sure there will be plenty of help on ere for ya
Morning Lou, ignore em, nothing wrong with a freelander, my missus has one (but she prefers my disco).
If you got any probs just ask, you may get a sensible answer if ya lucky LOL
:welcome2: to Landyzone Lou.

Be prepared to take a lot of ribbing on here for your choice of vehicle. As long as you have a thick skin and take it all light hearted you'll be fine.
LOL dont worry about me not only have I thick skin but I'm redhead too!!!

Nope not got the damn thing fixed yet ... got sold the wrong size v belt yesterday, OH has gone off for a few days with work so its going to be Friday before I get her back and find out if a slack belt... I know nasty! is behind the starting prob, OH says it the starter motor....... what do I know I'm a girl.
I got 23 stone lump of a cousin that drives a gaylander while his misses drives a disco.... so it could be worse! think I'll tell him about this site....... more entertaining than facebook lol

I have no end of probs with everything... youre not alone!! if it isnt this site i cocked up, its something else.. youre right about FB!! Im sure people sit there waiting for comments all day..

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