Anyone wanna do a bit of poetry.

Eastrington and Westrington
Selby, Drax and Goole.
Little Tetley tea bags running home from school.
whos the owner of that rhyme?
is it Pikey or is it Grunt?
who would have thought
that one of them is a ......

It were me dads that un, though he want a schoolteacher he was a bit of a **** at times.
Up and down the stairs we go
Not too fast and not too slow.
Then upon the midnight hour
We all go out and have a shower.

Was me dads that were anorl.
This un was ritten by a LZer.

Gust Becos I Cud Not Spel

Gust becos I cud not spel
It did not mean I was daft
When the boys in school red my riting
Some of them Laffed.

But now Iam the dictater
They have to rite like me
Otherwise they cannot pas ther GCSE

Some of the girls wer ok
But those who laaffed a lot
Have al bean rownded up
And hav recintly bean shot

The teecher who corrected my speling
As not been shot at al
But four the last fifteen howers
As bean standing up against a wal

He has to stand ther until he can spel
Figgymisgrugifooniyn the rite way
I think he will stand there forever
I just inventid it today
This un was ritten by a LZer.

Gust Becos I Cud Not Spel

Gust becos I cud not spel
It did not mean I was daft
When the boys in school red my riting
Some of them Laffed.

But now Iam the dictater
They have to rite like me
Otherwise they cannot pas ther GCSE

Some of the girls wer ok
But those who laaffed a lot
Have al bean rownded up
And hav recintly bean shot

The teecher who corrected my speling
As not been shot at al
But four the last fifteen howers
As bean standing up against a wal

He has to stand ther until he can spel
Figgymisgrugifooniyn the rite way
I think he will stand there forever
I just inventid it today
Hmm..... that gives me a lot of information about how this forum works.....
G man yous been knocking round sams in brentwood again?
As fer welcoming newbies and dat, take the rough with the smoove.Ryder has got a SHOGUN!!! and hes still wlecome!
I understand thet you likes Vdubs, Is like landys.You done loads to yer motor, Is done very lttle cept break it.But come what may people on here might call ya a knob they might help ya(usually a bit of both).Like red sez stay if ya want, go if ya want.Upset bods and they'll kick off.just like at Morrisons or any where else!
dukes is good.The laydees...
You ever get inta basildon?Festival park has got nuff bellends looking for a kick off, but fitties gallor
i went to watch rambo4 at the cinema there the other week even at 5ÂșC they had there tits oot (it was all good apart from one bird who looked like the ugly bus parked on her face) i was gonna go into ikon(is it still ikon??)
ikon and diva werent it?not been there since some geezer felt up me missus and then laughed about it with his mates.I had him by the throat up a wall and then realised there was three of them but me mates had fooked off to get a cab.I was alright with 2 of em but the small one was a terrier!
and im a romford boy, more than enough on show round here dont need to go for a drive.....that sed me current missus is from Belper, derbyshire!
I'm chelmsford born, sandon/market rasen/maldon/danbury rased so you could say i have been about a bit, last time i went in ikon they had some bird in there walking round carying a snake

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