
After 9 years without a 110 I purchased one a few months ago through a private sale. It’s great to be back in a 110 but annoyingly this one has been giving problems pretty much within the first 1k miles of owning it. So I guess it’s going to continue to challenge until I get it sorted. I’ll have a go at most things as paying £60 p/h for labour just ain’t going to work. I have posted an issue already under 110 engines, where there are similar posts. Anyways good to be here and I hope in time I can return some help.
Hi and welcome!

Good luck with the Landy. You’ll learn to do more tasks on it than you thought you could.

Don’t forget some pics!
Welcome to LZ.
That is a seriously nice motor. I hope all the problems are minor and fixable real soon.

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