Look - that was the first time I got laid in over a year so yep I am smiling.........
I gotta cuddle this morning - BJ would have been better but still smiling............
a year!!!so if this bird trust ya enough ta leave ya in her house,how come she dont let ya jump her bones more than once a year???
morning it is.. good it aint.. just got my head chewed off by an unhappy client and couldn't defend meself cos work lappy died on me 1/2 way through the call.. oh well..
I was on one - high as a kite (and no drugs!!)
Just bin to the docs and bin told I gotta go back into Gloucester Royal for some more tests - crashed and burned now.................
Ward 4a if anyone is passing - can I swear on here cus I swear to God I am fooking suicidal with this fecking hospital shoite........

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