yep got couple of hours...

mother was a drug addict so i didny sleep till i went to school and now i manage 4 hrs if im lucky these days....

good for tractor driveing 18 hrs a day tho!!!
yep,Got used to the no sleep fing now.I go work at 4.30am...
I spent years resenting me parents now tho i use their **** up to my advantage.I can ride me MTB for hundreds of miles in one go and chainsaw 10 hrs straight.
My best gain is behind the wheel....I can drive 18hrs straight without so much as a blink or yawn.
I drove to south france in one hit over night then went skiing the next two day and drove back the second night for work monday morning!!
hows u ham?
Not too bad ta :)

****ing cat wakes me up wanting cuddles in the middle of the night. Apart from that, I'm good.

I aint up to your standards :( I can only go for about 12 hours at a time.
Morning all,
Mrs got a job in London so now we all wake up early. Then the cat chimes in wanting first breakfast. I swear that thing eats its own body weight in food every day (cat / wife - take your pick) :D

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