dont moan about the rain and cold Id pay for some cold right now, got no air con .
anyhow air cons for poofs an sweaty bollocks is for real men:flame:
Ello you lot and wot a fine day!
My one and only day off this week and it's to be spent under the Landy :rolleyes::doh:
Morning Ratty & Zan - is it time for breakfast yet?

I dont believe it - its RAINING ffs :D

but its warm rain. 06:45 and peeps are swimming in the sea!
A bit on the dry side. Very little water anywhere.:mad:

It was nice to get out and about in the landy though.

Lucky you to be able to get out in a landy, it's one of many things I miss at the moment.
Just waiting for my m8 to sort out his tyres so we can go up to CORE, next month i'm hoping

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