Bonjour ma eekle petit pois.
Morning yes Good no

I've got a flipping sniffle whats turning to man flu
Morning All. I've had the manflu since sunday. I'd milk it for all it's worth.

ermm Sorry I mean It's totally debilitating. I'd get ya self tucked up on the sofa and try not to let the suffering get too much for yu..
Morning All. I've had the manflu since sunday. I'd milk it for all it's worth.

ermm Sorry I mean It's totally debilitating. I'd get ya self tucked up on the sofa and try not to let the suffering get too much for yu..

Hers fooked off out and left me home alone:(:(
:hysterically_laughi i made ya fookin coffee an hour ago............... if ya couldnt get ya lazy ass outta bed in time.................... ya problem ;)
Morning men, raining again here in HaggisLand

Trading a 60 year old for three twenties seems reasonable to me.


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