The times come to be able to buy a landrover after finding out disco's cost
Fortunes to insure I have the same budget looking for a series I'm looking to drive 5 miles each way to work every day in it also greenlaning. I don't care for much in it and I'm assuming I can put a radio in it? Nothing special just so I can get radio 1. So you opinions with what I have mentioned? Should I save for a 90 or be fine with the series? Thanks for thus guys
You can't be so black and White with valuation like this. As said above, just saying a galvanised chassis isn't enough, what's the point of a decent chassis if your running a crap gearbox and running gear. I'd put more attention to checking the gearbox & bulkhead than chassis, cheaper to keep patching chassis than replacing gearbox for rebuilt unit..
A series (and early 90's) should be insured as a classic with any of the usual suspects. Yes there are a few conditions, limited mileage being one, i found however, on a completely different subject, that series speedometers are very cheap on ebay if anyone needed a spare or that my speedo cable had a habit of disconnecting....
For insurance?? If you get an early 90 footman james will do you a classic policy without you having to prove no claims bonus..i give 130 fully comp for a 1984 90 with a disco 200tdi conversion.
I would think you should pick up a reasonable running one for that - don't expect concours, as they are going up in value - that said, there are some bargains out there if you want to spend some time on it.

Otherwise, one that requires finishing will be quite acheivable.
Well I have phoned around done myhomework!

Work that out so a series is a deferent now! So will get hunting!!!

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