I wouldn't get hung up on mileage, it might be correct, gone round the clock (more than once!), Had a new speedo fitted or clocked. Maintenance over mileage with old Land Rovers, I say.
I wouldn't get hung up on mileage, it might be correct, gone round the clock (more than once!), Had a new speedo fitted or clocked. Maintenance over mileage with old Land Rovers, I say.
hopefully it will prove ok and i will be posting some pics for you/us series fans soon
hopefully it will prove ok and i will be posting some pics for you/us series fans soon
It'd be interesting to know what parts of mine are part tje original registered vehicle.....
Doors, tub, engine, roof, loom, seat box are all a definite no:oops:
Yes, we like piccies!
Found one it should arrive in a couple of days. It drives perfectly and i love the patina!
109 cab.jpg
109 cab.jpg
that is looking great. keep it looking like that no wheel upgrades ect
i have to fix the frames for both door bottoms and the frame for the bonnet but everything else is serviceable. I am just unsure if i should t cut the paint or just leave it oxidised
i have to fix the frames for both door bottoms and the frame for the bonnet but everything else is serviceable. I am just unsure if i should t cut the paint or just leave it oxidised
Leave it, if you tcut it you will lose a lot of the patina in my opinion, but it is a person choice. Also if you tcut it unless you then regularly polish it/protect it in another fashion in a couple of years it will have dulled down again but not to the nice work worn level it is currently.

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