On my way to work at 1745 today , i was blinded by a gold plated Range Rover parked up in the middle of nowhere , along the bank of the Tyne, i ve seen a lot of smashed up and damaged cars in the same place over the years. must belong to some one rich , if it were mine it would be parked up in a car park under a camera or out side the local nick , any way i reported it to the police they said they would check it out but as of that time no reports of it being stolen,
Probably just gold paint.

Probably owned by the local don so the other lowlifes won’t dare touch it.
if it were mine it would be parked up in a car park under a camera or out side the local nick.

Not as safe as you might think, a couple of years ago the plod (Scotland or up North I believe) had all the doors nicked off their own 110 SW, whilst parked at the nick overnight.
I wonder if they gave themselves a crime number o_O
I suspect it was gold vinyl rap that was used, gold plating alloy it a very involved process and if it was solid gold the vehicle would have been too heavy not forgetting the manufacture of the bits involved.

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