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my name is Markus and I am living in Germany.
I own a 2004 Frelander with the 1.8 K-Series engine. The car have an LPG conversion and in may/june this year i will go to London and thereafter I will go on a tour round Scotland.
My question is: Is there any website, where are UK's LPG filling stations will be presented? In best case to put them on my mobile car navigate.

Hope my english is not so bad and you will understand me. :D

Thanks for answer
Kan du forstar dansk? Altsa du skal ikke vaere bekymret..der findes lpg overalt i england, de fleste tank stationer har, esso...das ist ganske normalt at forer mit gas nach england.
Hello Mad Hat Man,

fast, very fast answer and very, very helpful.

Thanks a lot and greetings from river Rhine
Hello Mad Hat Man,

fast, very fast answer and very, very helpful.

Thanks a lot and greetings from river Rhine

He always comes quickly...

I have to say it...i really do....i know its wrong...but...i'm scared...

A German looking for gas.......:eek:
how many kilometers has the car done in total with lpg

55000 km with lpg, and no problems.
After total 75000 km the head gasket where blown. Normal f*cking situation.:D
They built in a Prins VSI with a 45 liter brutto tank. I can fill in 43 liter...:p

Here are som fotos:

And if somebody can read german here you will find an article in the german Land Rover blog:
blacklandy - Einzelnen Beitrag anzeigen - LPG Autogas: Tank wie und wo?

Ach du liebe zeit!! das ist nichts eine jeep...das ist ein land rover..kartoffelkopf!!

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