cornish rattler

Well-Known Member
Hi guys

Well hopefully when I get paid not this Friday but next Friday and I get my yearly bonus from work I should have enough money to start looking at buying a 90 :D
Fair play what you got at the mo and what you planning on getting?

I don't have anything atm starting from scratch again due to me and the ex splitting up but after a few months of saving up I am more or less there.

looking at std 90 either hard top with or without side windows or truck cab doesn't matter as I want to mod it myself, not mythered if its a 200 or 300 tdi but also looking at 2.5 petrols aswell as they seem to be in better con'd then drop a tdi in it but will have to see whats out there :)
Eventually I want to end up with a tdi hard top with or without side windows ( not sure yet ) slightly moded for off roading with a decent winch on the front, off road tyres, slightly moded suspension, but also to be used as a weekend car as I live too close to work to even think about driving there in it, using it for going fishing in, holidays, and towing a small trailer with :)
Hopefully i will be going looking at one on sunday just waiting for the guy to get back to me tomorrow to comfirm arrangement as he is going out on sunday but he isn't that far from me so hopefully we should be ok :D
The seller can't do sunday so looking at Friday instead and if I am happy with it I will put a deposit on it and collect it on Monday when I am off :)

I know I shouldn't say this really but in my head I have already bought it as I no the landy has been well care'd for so hopefully if its as good as the owner say's it is I will put a deposit on it and collect it on the Monday as I am off that day so when I get it home I will post some pics :)
Hey, good luck with your purchase, it will be worth it long term by checking it out thoroughly. I'm sure many have bought with rose tinted glasses and later regretted their decision,
Yeah its a shame I couldn't go there on sunday and have a look as I could have bought it there and then and driven it home strait away but having to go on Friday means I will have to put a deposit on it and collect it on Monday with the rest of the money but ha ho :)
Just checked with the guy and he still has it so sending my son out to go and see it after he finishes work as I am in work till 10pm tonight and if everything is ok he will put a deposit on it and we can collect it on Monday, dead exited now :D

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