spoke to sgt from vehice crime squad yesterday ,giving him some deffenet proof that the lanny is mine (pictures)which he agreed with.by the way it works out its 6 months from today F***KEN HELL !!!!!. eez on to him ,wont be long now .carnt wait for the words MR ****** can you come and pick "YOUR LANDROVER UP".av got me phone gaffa taped to me head .soon as i do al be on here with the best news since KING KENNY come back to anfield .nice 1.
Chile, did you make an insurance claim? If they paid out then they will be the owners but will sell it back to you for scrap value.
the lanny is know with police forensics (FINALY)getting checked over .spoke to plod yesterday ,said there waiting on info from landrover,nearly 7 months know.anyone on here had a stolen ,ringed lanny returned to them ,if so how long did it take to get it back .at this rate a might send a letter to father christmas,see if he can get it down the chimney
i had mine robbed on mmonday night it was found in prescott last night forensics been out to recovery place today, scs going to it tomorrow so i might even have it back by the weekend.. guess im one of the lucky ones! unless the scs find something dodgy about it which would be my luck! :(
good luck tho mate
a no what a should of done, but it would of been me in jail and not him ,thats how this place is now.av just got to let it run its course,wait ,then beat the little **** when the heats gone down .hes not getting away with this 1,trust me a can be a rite sneeky, evil basted when a need to be .:flame2::flame2:

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