
Active Member
I have a series 3 1974. She looks a bit uneven on the drivers side looking from the rear. (Fine on front) She has Parabolic springs which look fine so I'm wondering if its a shock Absorber gone? It makes a bit of a donk/bang once when cornering on left hand bends (when the weight on the vehicle is more on the drivers side). No donk on right hand bends :) Any ideas please?
Once again thanks everyone for your time suggesting what my problems might be. Its appreciated!:):)
shockers dont support the vehicle only the springs do that ,check for play in all the bushes etc or get some one to rock vehicle hard whilst you feel for play in different components
Could be bushes on leaf spring or chassis, a decent sized lever and a inspection should tell you
Spot on! Just levered the bushes at the rear of the springs and there's LOADS of play in them! On both sides! Obviously cream crackered.... :( Glad I know what it is but dreading this job as I've read its not easy at the best of times. Although I believe the rear ones are slightly easier.........?????
Best news is there's a new set of bushes 2 short and 2 longer in the tool box under the front seat so previous owner obviously had ideas on doing it.
Are the bushes gone or is there just slop in the hangar? I had this issue but solved it using washing line wrapped in between the bush and hangar. Absorbed the lateral movement and took slop out. Very Heath Robinson but easier than fitting bushes. Mine looked fine and passed mot fine but just didnt sit snug. I had parabollock springs too. Good luck changing bushes its not easy I hear.
Time consuming but not difficult. Make sure the chassis is well supported. It's easier if you remove the spring but dropping it down as far as you can will do, don't overstress the brake pipe.The bushes push out of the springs reasonably easily but the chassis bracket one can be a bit more difficult. Use a long bolt and some assorted spacers/sockets/washers to get the bush out, if it won"t come remove the inner bush and rubber (or use a blowtorch and burn it out) then fit a hacksaw in the hole, upside down and cut through the steel outer. The bush will come out with a punch and hammer.
yeah its definitely the bushes are well gone. Am preparing to tackle this one, nothings beaten me yet on this land Rover :) The bolts don't look overly rusty and I'm WD 40 ing them everyday in preparation. Too bloody wet to get under her at moment though... :(
Well, I was lucky the chassis bushes were fine, so just had the spring bushes to replace. Only problem was with the springs being parabolic , standard bushes wouldn't fit and as I had no idea what make of spring it was (previous owner fitted them) A home engineering job was needed. After a great deal of accurate measuring with a micrometer I sleeved the standard bushes with some tube, then pressed them back into the spring. Well pleased! Just don't take the shock absorber split pin out at bottom. Its a complete scum bag to get back in without some kind of special compressing tool maybe? I just made up my own tool again with various nuts/washers on a bolt. Now just got to do it all again on other side. Need a bit of sunshine! :)
Well, I was lucky the chassis bushes were fine, so just had the spring bushes to replace. Only problem was with the springs being parabolic , standard bushes wouldn't fit and as I had no idea what make of spring it was (previous owner fitted them) A home engineering job was needed. After a great deal of accurate measuring with a micrometer I sleeved the standard bushes with some tube, then pressed them back into the spring. Well pleased! Just don't take the shock absorber split pin out at bottom. Its a complete scum bag to get back in without some kind of special compressing tool maybe? I just made up my own tool again with various nuts/washers on a bolt. Now just got to do it all again on other side. Need a bit of sunshine! :)

Tidy. Yeah i had a world of pain with the friggin shock split pins too. 2 g clamps and an assistant may be the best way
...but as always on a Landrover, doing the second one always takes half the time of the first one. At least, that's what I've found. Good luck.
Yep job done both sides now. I didn't need to remove the shock absorber from the mounting plate this time so left it all attached and let it drop after undoing the U bolts. Was much easier all round and re locating it I just used a small pump up jack underneath to lift it under pressure. :):)

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