You have to admire the work but why...? If you want a Rolls Royce you don't buy an Austin 7 and convert it do you?
Yes, a huge amount of work has gone in to that 109, and I wish I had even a small slice of the skill required but I'm still left asking why you'd bother? Surely there are One Ten's that qualify for US import which would have made a much better base vehicle for such preening?
I'm a bit torn on that 109. It's completely pointless and inappropriate but I don't know....
Bet it still leaks.
Resto-mod, OK that's new one on me. Its saying you drive a 1968 Series without having to drive a Series. Its for the same people who go to Venice in LasVegas not Venice in Italy and its truely awful. Its not even on leafs. The work is amazing but its also a cop-out because they didn't have to search for any orginal parts they just got a new parts catalog and a credit card. Its a Series for the snowflake generation, safe and easy to live with but "so individual". Bet its an autobox too "so you don't need to double declutch..." Annoying me already....

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