It can take a long time for the oil in the cooling system to clear, it will have coated all internal surfaces. Eventually it will all migrate up to the header tank. After my cooler failed (defender) I dipped a rolled up paper towel into the header tank daily to mop up the oil on the surface, before starting the engine. Eventually all the contamination was cleared up but it took a while and a bit of patience.
I bought a secondhand oil cooler changed it over. Flushed the system and after a few days I noticed it again. Do you think a cylinder head gasket overhaul kit might do the job?
I bought a secondhand oil cooler changed it over. Flushed the system and after a few days I noticed it again. Do you think a cylinder head gasket overhaul kit might do the job?
How did you flush it? A garage did mine a few years ago and "flushed it" an inch of oil appeared afterwards in the header tank...
Crush up a dishwasher tablet into the header, run for a couple of days then flush, flush, flush... repeat if necessary...
Jizer would work well, used on a warm engine for a short trip around the block to scavenge all the oil.

Not tried this, jut a thought. I cant see it doing harm if you then triple flushed the lot out after with clean water then toped up with AntiFreeze.
Do you think a cylinder head gasket overhaul kit might do the job?
Not if there is still oil in the cooling system. Takes time (see my post above). Need to be sure it is not just contamination from the oil cooler first.

Forte Bio Degreaser will provide the following benefits: Remove emulsified oil from cooling systems following cylinder head gasket and oil cooler failure: Remove blockages from radiator and heater matrix where oil has emulsified: Remove residue left from combustion gases permeating through cylinder head: Drastically cut component costs and reduce down-time: Will not damage plastic water pump impellers. Forte Bio Forte Bio Degreaser is a biodegradable heavy-duty cleaner/degreaser free of petroleum or chlorinated solvents. It effectively removes oil and grease deposits from the internal surfaces of automotive cooling systems and restores heat transfer efficiency to allow the engine to run at designed operating temperature; thus reducing heat-related problems and engine failure.

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