Aye but if ya lucky by the time the glow plug has come up high enough to hit the metal pipe it'll have cleared the threads. if not ya'll have to remove the metal pipe anorl.
Aye but if ya lucky by the time the glow plug has come up high enough to hit the metal pipe it'll have cleared the threads. if not ya'll have to remove the metal pipe anorl.
yea which is a lot involed with that and am sure there must be anothr way
look, the plug WILL come out without removing the rubber pipe, i did it just a few days ago, YES it is fiddly, BUT it can be done. now quit moaning, and get out there and get it done!
look, the plug WILL come out without removing the rubber pipe, i did it just a few days ago, YES it is fiddly, BUT it can be done. now quit moaning, and get out there and get it done!
i am trying the thread keeps digging into the rubberhose its got to pull straight up ward no room to move it side to side been on it 4hours :confused: :confused:
take the hose off then, gives the thickness of the rubber more clearence!
yea butif it can be done with out removing it i would sooner do it that way coz othe wise wil have to drain cooling system out and if you did it then i should beable to did yours cut ito hose when you was taking it out
1-drive to nearest primary school
2-grab nearest 4 year old lad
3-give him the tools
4-leave him to it for 5 minutes
5-job done
ha ha its undone just cant get it passed the elbow hose did the thread not make a hole in the pipe as you tryed to get it out
:D :D :D

What a most amusing threat this is. I've just gone out and had a look at my L series. I would have said there was plenty of room to get the No 1 plug out, and round the coolant pipe from the thermostat housing to the rad. However, I wonder if the thermostat housing is different on your Hippo and hence it is causing you grief. No.4 plug can be removed but you will need to use a spanner rather and a socket to undo it as the pump is in the way. Seems daft to disturb that for a glow plug.

If you're having trouble with the glow plugs I suggest you avoid changing the timing belts....
still no joy the onlt thing i can think of is my pluga have longer threads on them the thread starts to cut into the pipe as u pull it out
still no joy the onlt thing i can think of is my pluga have longer threads on them the thread starts to cut into the pipe as u pull it out

I seriously doubt they are longer as if that was the case they would invade the combustion chamber and the piston wouild collide with them. I reacon your thermostat housing is not like the ones fitted to our hippo's. Any chance you can take a photo of the problem area and post it on the thread? Picture says a thousand words as it were.

It seems to me that the only way forward is to release the thermostat housing from the cylinder head. This will allow the pipe to drop out the way and you can get the plug out. The downside is you will have to drain the coolant first.

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