
New Member

Am having to hold my glow plugs on for at least 30secs to start up cold.

1989 LR 90 - 2.5TD 19J

Have had them out and they look fine, put them accross a battery and visually they need 30secs before starting to glow.

Is this normal?


The army 90/110 only need an max of 10 to 15 secs, anymore and they tend to burn out hence the need to hold for 30 secs to generate reasonable heat.
Looks like a new set are probably due soon..

my 200TDi dunt need glows at all in mild weather and only 10 sec when it's freezing - something wrong I think.
me daughters 90 Td only needs 10 sec on heaters before starting, how much life was in the battery that you tested the plugs on? If the plugs are glowing after 30 seconds it means that they are working at least(usually they don't glow at all when they have failed), to me it points more to a battery or earth problem.
Thanks for the replies.

I must agree that they need replacing, as I don't know when they were replaced last.

My whole wiring loom has been replaced and the battery is brand new.

I have been told 6-12 seconds is the norm but needed another opinion.

Would anyone recommend somewhere to purchase new ones from?
My 2.5NA needs about 10seconds in the cold winter, and about 6seconds in the spring/summer/autumn unless its a bit colder.

The 200tdi doesnt really need them it will start more or less all year round, same with the 300tdi.

Meter the current they are drawing, they should draw a good 10-15amps EACH... if not, its goosed!

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