
New Member
Right folks,

meeting a mate who is coming up from waymouth on the 31st to do some lanes heading north from castle combe to sapperton.

anyone want to join me? dont know anyone on here who lives close apart from blippie and ive dropped him a mail.

if you want to come, post here or drop me a mail or if your really slack meet us in castle combe car park (east) at 9am sharp.

now i dont want any slagging off on this thread ;) and your not welcome unless you know the highway code :D i mean greelane code thingy (basically just be nice:rolleyes: ).

route is suitable for most 4x4 (except gaylanders)
non damaging (unless you get things wrong)
and easily accessible from J17 M4 incase your coming from a-far.

cheers folks, i know non of you will turn up but its worth a try!

i will be in a green 90 and jim will be in a red 110 :rolleyes:

Right folks,

meeting a mate who is coming up from waymouth on the 31st to do some lanes heading north from castle combe to sapperton.

anyone want to join me? dont know anyone on here who lives close apart from blippie and ive dropped him a mail.

if you want to come, post here or drop me a mail or if your really slack meet us in castle combe car park (east) at 9am sharp.

now i dont want any slagging off on this thread ;) and your not welcome unless you know the highway code :D i mean greelane code thingy (basically just be nice:rolleyes: ).

route is suitable for most 4x4 (except gaylanders)
non damaging (unless you get things wrong)
and easily accessible from J17 M4 incase your coming from a-far.

cheers folks, i know non of you will turn up but its worth a try!

i will be in a green 90 and jim will be in a red 110 :rolleyes:


But only go if the lanes aint been used for a few weeks eh??? Hypocrite!!!
For your info donk, fosse way is mostly hard packed ground and i havent been since October. there was no mention of when i last went across the fosse so how does that make me a hippo? my thread also states no slagging off... so do one.

i dont expect you northern-ers to come all this way just for me :) girlfriend is good. hobbling about now so i dont have to do so much for her. cant move too far though with a full leg cast and she certainly cant navigate for me yet. cheers for asking Grunt. enjoy the celebs and Kirton :)

im off to fit my new sony CD head unit :D you cant beat listening to slayer at 40mph across a roman road (Sigh... its a joke)

For your info donk, fosse way is mostly hard packed ground and i havent been since October. there was no mention of when i last went across the fosse so how does that make me a hippo? my thread also states no slagging off... so do one.

i dont expect you northern-ers to come all this way just for me :) girlfriend is good. hobbling about now so i dont have to do so much for her. cant move too far though with a full leg cast and she certainly cant navigate for me yet. cheers for asking Grunt. enjoy the celebs and Kirton :)

im off to fit my new sony CD head unit :D you cant beat listening to slayer at 40mph across a roman road (Sigh... its a joke)


Well for your information the byway thats in the photo on one of my threads i have,nt used for at least three or four months but that did,nt stop you from having a pop did it? Banging on about week by week use! So you can do one eh? Hippocrite!!!!
Time of the month... back to the front :rolleyes:

Whatever...Just coz i caught you out... I aint gonna be got at, and sit and take it!!! I,m as responsible as the next person , if there such a thing on here, but.. 1:- I dont greenlane EVERY week, and 2:- i dont chew em up, as i keep in 1st gear at all times, 3:- giving way to all other byway users... So yes ...I do object to be stereo typed with possibly you and the other idiots replying to my greenlaning thread...OKAY!!!!!:cool:
caught me out? how come? last time i advertised this route was 8th october. so where you getting all the secret info on my life and whereabouts? stop making stuff up.

1st at all times? are you sure thats a good idea?

low box 2nd me thinks... if you know how to use it and i never ever said you were iresponsible. all i did was state that greenlanes should not be driven on a weekly or fortnightly basis. how many times do i have to repeat this?
caught me out? how come? last time i advertised this route was 8th october. so where you getting all the secret info on my life and whereabouts? stop making stuff up.

1st at all times? are you sure thats a good idea?

low box 2nd me thinks... if you know how to use it and i never ever said you were iresponsible. all i did was state that greenlanes should not be driven on a weekly or fortnightly basis. how many times do i have to repeat this?

You dont... Shove it!!!!!!!

Another to the ignore list!!

went ~AROUND~ the muddy sections as it was crazy out there today. fords and river crossing running 3-4ft. got very wet and nearly lost my rear door cos its fooked.

dont know why im writing this, as no-one comes in here anymore (greenlane forum that is, not my thread).

2:- i dont chew em up, as i keep in 1st gear at all times

Of course, too low a gear/too much torque risks churning soft ground.

I spent an afternoon watching some drivers in pretty powerful machines fail hill climbs - one of the more common reasons was too low a gear.

Interesting stuff.

Another to the ignore list!!

Problem solved!


yer, i outperformed V8 deependers at minety pay and play last month with my n/a and grizzly claws :) ive only been offroading for 6months!

I put it down to semi-pro mountain bike racing for 7years!

that donk was a jerk, accy banned him now. where you been anyway blip, havent seen you in ages.

were doing a salisbury greenlane trip in a couple a weeks. will email you again if you fancy it, see how yer fixed.


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