It looks like we covered some of the same lanes you guys did yesterday (we did them a few weeks ago)
The tack above, does it eventually lead to a railway crossing up a hill?

Yes but we turned off before that :)
We got to the crossing, a couple of guys went on foot and decided against it so we turned round and did it in reverse. You turned off? Did you make your own track? can't remember there being any others....mind you I was just following where others went and didn't take a lot of notice (1st greenlaning we had done)
network rail shut the crossing ages ago according to the ROW officer so yes you have to go right over the bridge 'n' if you go to the crossing you'll end up going off the lane to turn around so to save any hassle it's best to go right
Oooops, looks like we did the off lane turnaround thing :eek:

I recorded the routes we did with view ranger, i'll have to look at them and cross ref with an OS map, see where we went and you guys did
Oooops, looks like we did the off lane turnaround thing :eek:

I recorded the routes we did with view ranger, i'll have to look at them and cross ref with an OS map, see where we went and you guys did

I use Viewranger anorl :)

Did 82.2 km yesterday at an average 11km/h.........dunno what that is in English though :p
70 miles at 8 miles an hour? or there a bouts.

Loaded VR and captured the routes, just need to work out what to do with it now.....its either not very user friendly or i'm getting too old for all this technology.....probably the latter :doh:
Oooops, looks like we did the off lane turnaround thing :eek:

without being condesending thats why it pays sometimes to speak to the ROW office to find out whats open and whats not
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yo guys, anybody got the grid ref for the really tight bit of Mcmillan is it on the st side or the so side of the os map, pm me if you dont want to post it
legal, evidence to glass that these lanes are being used so they can log them, justdoing my bit for laners
Jonny,as a member of glass im just trying to put a bit back, glass ask for evidence of lanes being used so they can up date their files also less chance of neglect by the governing councils (listed means all the lanes we have driven over the last months) im not prepaired to list them on here but you know where we've been, plus did you not see the restraint order on the fence post for one lane we came to myself n pikey did

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