
New Member
Does anyone know of a good green lane in Gloucestershire giving about 1 - 2 hours of non damaging driving.
Used to do the foss way years ago, but looking for something alot less damaging than that.
The Fosse way is now so smooth you could drive a Mk1 mini down 99% of it , the only fun bit is the ford , everything else is crap . theres not much really around this area :( .
yes, the Fosse is now super smooth in places :) if none damaging is what your after its the place to go. we regularly take our 2a lightweight up there and stop for lunch on the Cotswolds.

There are some more challenging lanes further north near Birdlip.

North Wessex downs is worth a crack, as is the west of Salsbury plain. Bath and NE somerset (BANES) also has a few tight and scratchy endevours. Forest of dean?

plenty :) get searching.

well I did the fosseway both directions and Minety today! As said before the fosseway is smooth but still a nice trip and Minety was fun in the mud!
Hi Timthetrader
Sorry I couldn't join you today, didn't realize the Foss was like that now.
Did you get on it just to the south of Kemble airfield, do you go as far as the Motorway? Minety, didn't know that one, do you start at Kembles farm?

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