
New Member
howdy, thinking about painting my disco black i like matt black but dont want to go down that route, so im thinking about gloss black iv seen some on ebay "military gloss black paint" would this have a decent gloss finish if applied by roller and if so how much would i need? and what type of rollers and prep would need to be done? im a newbie to this paint malarky so you will have to excuse my ignorance....... its all a learning curve and the best way to learn is to do?!!! apparently:confused:
gloss with a roller doesnt sound too good.Also why would the "military" have a gloss black just for them?
maybe it's miltary grade? have a gander on eBay there's loads of the stuff??? I want a jet black paint that will look half decent and won't cost the earth???
maybe it's miltary grade? have a gander on eBay there's loads of the stuff??? I want a jet black paint that will look half decent and won't cost the earth???

Did you click on the link I gave yer....14.99 for 2.5l ;)
oooo no i was only logged on on my phone so never seen the link.... tis cheap as chips that stuff will it give me the desired effect?

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