blue beasty

Leaks an prone to bits dropping off

Wiv bolt to rack ladder. In pretty good nick, for some bizzare reason someone cut the centre legs off but still a good strong rack, no bends or rust.

Tis located here near Stroud and no I int fookin posting it. Come and get it or sort out LZ courier.

Offers, sensible and otherwise but I's skint so not gonna give it away :rolleyes:

Photos int great but if yer really interested I'll brave the weather and slip away from work to take some betterer ones :rolleyes:


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No :p ......and probably not with the high-lift mounts either unless someone particularly wants them
Oh I dunno swb means less temptation to over load the tack. and take more than you need too.
Gonna ebay this if nobody here wants it cause I need the cash.

Took me forever to find a good'un for reasonable money

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