
Active Member
Another day, another P38 challenge.

Recently while mowing my lawn I can only assume what must have been a stone flew up and cracked the rear quarter light window of my P38. Pretty bad luck all things considering, but there you go.

I phoned my insurance, paid my £80 windscreen excess, and then got put through to AutoGlass who took all the relevant details. They didn't have the part in stock (not all that surprising), but after a few days did eventually come out to replace the window. This is where the problems started.

The first window they brought appeared to be a darker tint than what I have in my P38. Unfortunate mix up said AutoGlass, they ordered me a new bit of glass. A few days later the man with a van comes out again, and finds exactly the same issue. Must be a bad batch say AutoGlass.

Fast forward to today, the third piece of glass has arrived and that too is tinted darker than the rest of my glass.

The AutoGlass guy claims that this is the only glass that is available for my year Range Rover, and that it must be right. I obviously disagree with this assessment.

My question is, has anyone else had this issue, or do they have knowledge of different glass tints available on P38 Vogues in 2000?

Any thoughts on what I should do next? I've told AutoGlass I want the correct tinted glass in my car, but they claim to have no more options. They also claim to have spoken to Land Rover, though I'm not confident that they have.

To clarify, my glass is not really very tinted, whereas the glass AutoGlass keep bringing is. I'm fairly sure tinting would have been a factory option that the first owner of my P38 didn't fancy.
Does the opposite side have a part code. On my Vogue it has Pilkington Opticool with a reference number below. Worth a check?
There are two options for rear quarter glass. ALR6358 R/H 359 L/H up to VIN WA410481. And CVB102170 R/H 160 L/H from VIN XA410482. Both tinted green. Can't see any other tint listed unless it is in optional extras.
There are two options for rear quarter glass. ALR6358 R/H 359 L/H up to VIN WA410481. And CVB102170 R/H 160 L/H from VIN XA410482. Both tinted green. Can't see any other tint listed unless it is in optional extras.

Thanks Wammers - my glass would be from the later VIN. My conversation with Land Rover just now informed me that P38s of my era left the factory with only one tint choice, so it seems strange that the AutoGlass tint seems so wrong - bluey to my greeny.
Could your "surviving" glass have faded with sunlight and time? I know that some after-market tints do. So the new glass might be correct, and as it left the factory, whereas your existing glass has toned down a bit
Could your "surviving" glass have faded with sunlight and time? I know that some after-market tints do. So the new glass might be correct, and as it left the factory, whereas your existing glass has toned down a bit

Judging by the alarming rate that the exterior trim seems to discolour, I'd agree with this.
Sound like they have been getting you a privacy tint , ask them to order a dealer due to there cock up , i found this out the other day needed a rear quarter alarm side , needed two press fastens on glass and blue wire normal supplies kept send the same part with only two connections , had to go to main dealers in the end not cheap at 312 pounds trade
Tinted glass will not have faded that far over time. However the make up of tinted glass has changed radically over that time. The tinting of glass didn't start as a means of privacy, it was to reduce the amount of heat coming through the glass and the tint was originally seen as an annoyance and was kept to a minimum. Anybody remember the purple windscreens on Citroens that reflected heat but also stopped mobile phone signals dead?
Anyway, people started fitting tinted films (or even ambulance glass) to darken their windows and the car industry followed the fashion and offered darker tints only stopped by legislation. So today the glass mix for tinted glass is a lot darker than it was back in 2000 and the Range Rover P38 rear quarter light market is much too small for them to consider making anything special. In fact these items are possibly only manufactured by two or three companies world wide.

So, your choices seem to be;
Accept what you are offered and live with it
Fit a clear window then film that and all other rear glass to match it
Try as many different retailers as possible to see if any of their wholesalers might have some new, old stock hidden away in a corner. The main wholesalers are Laddaws, Pughs and MasterGlass.
Buy a second hand window from a scrapped car of a similar age to yours and have that fitted
Have another 'accident' and get a matching window in the other side

As far as getting the glass from Land Rover you will probably find that it comes from the same factory as others that you have been offered but might have a Land Rover logo etched into it.

How your insurance company will view any of these alternatives and whether they will fund them is an other question especially as you no longer have an insurance 'policy' but an insurance 'contract' in the small print of which will probably state that you've got to do what they want or they won't pay.
1st Central.


these argic's can be given to any windscreen company
Thought I'd update this thread...

I took the decision to ask (in writing) for a genuine LR piece of glass. They ummed and ahhed about this for a little while but did eventually approve it. My thinking was even if its not a perfect match at least it will say Land Rover on it and look legit.

Good news however as the piece of genuine glass is a perfect match and exactly the same shade as the (13 years old) glass in the rest of the car. Persistence pays off!

I now have a car with all windows intact again and for that I'm thankful.
Thought I'd update this thread...

I took the decision to ask (in writing) for a genuine LR piece of glass. They ummed and ahhed about this for a little while but did eventually approve it. My thinking was even if its not a perfect match at least it will say Land Rover on it and look legit.

Good news however as the piece of genuine glass is a perfect match and exactly the same shade as the (13 years old) glass in the rest of the car. Persistence pays off!

I now have a car with all windows intact again and for that I'm thankful.

great news :D if you dig yours heels in then eventually they will pay!!!
Thought I'd update this thread...

I took the decision to ask (in writing) for a genuine LR piece of glass. They ummed and ahhed about this for a little while but did eventually approve it. My thinking was even if its not a perfect match at least it will say Land Rover on it and look legit.

Good news however as the piece of genuine glass is a perfect match and exactly the same shade as the (13 years old) glass in the rest of the car. Persistence pays off!

I now have a car with all windows intact again and for that I'm thankful.
Well done, i had an issue with my L322 screen, i blazed my guns from the outset and told them its a genuine part i want, i just wanted the logo, ( if they used a felt tip pen then they did a good job, lol:D

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