
New Member
Hi All,

Please please can you help me?!!!!

I've set my heart on a discovery 3 (between 2005 & 2007) but.... before I buy, what things should I look out for?

I need help with the mechanical side - what are the common problems to watch out for? (I'm ok on body work as I have a keen eye for dents and repairs).

I would really appreciate any advice you can give me.

might get a better response if you introduce yourself properly, rather than asking q's.

but :welcome2:

Get yourself on over to the Discovery section - there may already be some answers to your questions. I am aware that the D3 has to have to body removed for a certain job (s) :eek: but as to what they are I don't know.
what are your mechanical skills, or what are your GF,BF or husbands mechanical skills, or do you have deep pockets
Welcome. Two things spring too mind, turbo (weak) and timing belt (body off job approx £1000). Check them first.
I see we have a load of unfriendly as***ls on here why not give her some decent info as one ore two have instead f taking the ****.
I see we have a load of unfriendly as***ls on here why not give her some decent info as one ore two have instead f taking the ****.
How patronising are you then! It's called banter mate so stop trying to be a gallant hero and give her some decent info yourself!
Yes go to the Disco section Helen. I hope you find what you're looking for. Some advice!
I have owned my d3 for 6 years its an 06 55 plate
Never really had any issues with it apart from the usual bottom arms It also helps block my 90 in the drive lol
Hi All,

Please please can you help me?!!!!

I've set my heart on a discovery 3 (between 2005 & 2007) but.... before I buy, what things should I look out for?

I need help with the mechanical side - what are the common problems to watch out for? (I'm ok on body work as I have a keen eye for dents and repairs).

I would really appreciate any advice you can give me.


Hi Helen ..:welcome2: to LZ .....
Lots of folks on here are at the birthday bash ...so advice may be limited or diluted with beer at the very least.:) Try the disco section , bound to be loads of advice .....make sure tho that you get someone you trust and is knowledgable to go with you to view ...all the best advice on here is worth nothing if you don't have someone to have a good look over the thing in RL.
Good luck.
Muds :)

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