
New Member
Hi everyone, I'm totally new to this type of thing, posting in a forum but my Land Rover dealer in the USA is giving me the cold shoulder and offering no help. I googled "what is the best forum for Land Rover owners" and you're NUMBER 1 so I'm reaching out to you all for help please.

I have a 2013 Land Rover LR4 HSE LUX 5.0-liter V8, 4WD, six-speed automatic. I purchased new in 2013 in Tulsa, OK. It now has 118,000 miles and been a decent car, no terrible issues until my dealer performs service. For real, they had to replace my fuel pump awhile back due to bad gas and they PUT THE FUEL PUMP ON BACKWARDS! So guess what!? I ran out of gas within a day, called them and they offered no help at all, had to be towed and then found out what they did! I essentially ran out of gas.

And now here I am again with what I feel like is a dealer issue.

A few months ago the LR dealer in Tulsa replaced the front and rear brakes and rotors and since then I'm having issues with some really creepy noises coming from the front drivers side wheel. I have a recording of the noise and want to make sure I post in the correct section of this forum.

Any advice on where I need to post my question and recording of the noise please?
Welcome. First thing is LR4 is know as a Discovery in these parts ;) So the Discovery forum is your place of solace. Second thing: learn from your mistakes, don't use the dealer. Find a nice, gruff, but friendly , knowledgeable specialist near you and use them. When I say near, my specialist is minimum 3hrs away ( on a good day) , but so worth it. Trawl the internet, read reviews, go chat with them about your beastie, anyone who specialises in LR is normally an LR nut themselves :)
Good luck with the noise :D
Welcome Aboard :)

+1 on post #2 - You might be able to upload your recording ... but be aware that the forum is being a bit weird w.r.t uploads a.t.m., so you might have to resort to putting it on some sort of file sharing site and posting a link :rolleyes:
Welcome from another Yank. I know very little, but these guys do.
One common thing we share with the British is that Land Rover dealerships on both sides of the pond are vampires. That and a common language that they mess up all the time.

hi buddy

Indeed so very true regarding “ stealers “ , my local one charge £180 plus vat per hour , diagnostics to just plug it in is £200

thank god there are scanners available to us home mechanics
Hi everyone, I'm totally new to this type of thing, posting in a forum but my Land Rover dealer in the USA is giving me the cold shoulder and offering no help. I googled "what is the best forum for Land Rover owners" and you're NUMBER 1 so I'm reaching out to you all for help please.

I have a 2013 Land Rover LR4 HSE LUX 5.0-liter V8, 4WD, six-speed automatic. I purchased new in 2013 in Tulsa, OK. It now has 118,000 miles and been a decent car, no terrible issues until my dealer performs service. For real, they had to replace my fuel pump awhile back due to bad gas and they PUT THE FUEL PUMP ON BACKWARDS! So guess what!? I ran out of gas within a day, called them and they offered no help at all, had to be towed and then found out what they did! I essentially ran out of gas.

And now here I am again with what I feel like is a dealer issue.

A few months ago the LR dealer in Tulsa replaced the front and rear brakes and rotors and since then I'm having issues with some really creepy noises coming from the front drivers side wheel. I have a recording of the noise and want to make sure I post in the correct section of this forum.

Any advice on where I need to post my question and recording of the noise please?

Welcome to landyzone fireplace for retired shaven monkeys in leotards section.
I would offer a cartoon, but because of Evoque virus currently on the site sadly not.
Otherwise sounds like you have received poor quality of service in both regards. Most would say quite right it the fault of the servicers for shoddy workmanship. But the main thing is that the vehicle is made safe to drive. If you feel the brakes are questionable, get that sorted first being a heavy vehicle.
As for fuel pump clearly a shaven monkey from a experimental lab on a release day fitted that. Sadly with today's education, the idiot would be sitting on the moon by now with a boot mark on the backside.
Hope you get some good advice on the disco section as most here are happy to help just not Evoques though.;)
Just had a listen at your video. I'm with the consensus of opinion, it sounds like a brake/disc issue. Think about the last time someone passed you with brake squeal. It's that high pitched noise of metal rubbing.
Thank you everyone for the great advice! I'm now on the search for a qualified LR nut who's willing to take on my challenge! I feel like the Land Rover dealer should fix the brakes since I bought them new from them (not cheap here in the USA) but I agree with you all, it's time to cut my losses and find someone who actually knows what they're doing. You know I have talked to sooo many mechanics and had the brakes checked so many times and NO ONE has even suggested the rotors could be warped. I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere. Thank you all again for being so helpful, I'm very grateful! :)

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