
New Member

In the photos depicted, I am wondering why there is an "extra" dowel/tapped sleeve to the lower right of the stud. I snapped my front cover when attempting to remove because of this. This is my first timing belt change on my disco conversion defender 90. It is a 200 TDI 12L engine. Is this ghetto rigged, or did I miss something in the removal? I am under the impression that the bolt should be an M8 x 35 bolt (FB108071L). Is this accurate? I assume I will need to drill out / re-tap the hole?

Thanks for the help!

3C3ACE26-CF61-4180-B42D-69F87847543A - Copy.jpg
F7A236D2-186F-455C-B111-A0AFB0C006E5 - Copy.jpg
Top one is normally a stud which goes through to the water pump and a nut goes on the end, bottom one is a bolt. Saying that, most of the studs seem to snap anyway and just get replaced with a suitable sized bolt.
Looks to me like someone has had a go at drilling that out, and gone slightly skew whiffy.

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