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Right, part 236074 - how do you get it on? Do i need a press? I don't currently own one but secretly am looking for an excuse to buy one :)
i use a press its not tight but just easy or suitable tube to tap it on ,and its a mud shield

cause it is, forgot it's name that's all :)

I'll try find a pipe to hit tomorrow, but, failing that time to buy a press! Any recommendations for one for DIY only use?
Well that didn't work - heated it up to over 100*c and put the rest of it in the freezer - still not interested! Time to buy a press i think
It's worth giving the shaft a really good clean and polish or you'll just knacker the seal as you drift it on. But hang on, isnt' it traditional to fit the seal into the housing first?
Bet its a Britpart Mudshield

How very dare you. :mad: There is no $%*&part on my Series.

It's worth giving the shaft a really good clean and polish or you'll just knacker the seal as you drift it on. But hang on, isnt' it traditional to fit the seal into the housing first?

Thanks, will give it a polish :)

Don't see why i need to fit it back on the G/B first though?


Get a 25 t if you have the space. Too much flex in the 10's when near the limit and you will be near the limit sometimes.

25t :eek: i think my shed floor would buckle under the weight!
You fit the seal into the housing first (with a little sealing compound) so it fits in all the way and doesn't leak around the edges. If you put the seal on the shaft first it won't be seated in the housing properly (there are clearances involved) and it may well leak between the housing and the seal. Don't heat up the seals - they're made mostly of rubber and may well harden. The soft "lip" of the seal is easily damaged and should fit the shaft snugly with a bit of gearbox lube - a gentle twist and push should see the shaft fit nicely into the housing, it shouldn't need pressing in. If you've already applied a hammer to it it may well be buggered by any roughness or corrosion you didn't clean off the shaft.
....I say mostly rubber, but with a steel core and tensioning spring so, DON'T PUT IT IN THE MICROWAVE!

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