Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


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Hi guys

i need to get insurance for my s2a swb that i have recently converted to 200tdi i have the landy insured at the mo with churchill as up to the conversion it was 2.25p and i know churchill don't cover modified vehicles i also have other mods like rock slidders snorkel 8 spokes and a front removable winch do peops declaire all there mods and does there cheep insurance cover there landys with all the mods on there landys or is the cheep insurance just for a std landy at the mo i am paying £280 with churchill and thats for third only ?

Check out the Landie mags for adds - but yep it's a rip-off - improve the brakes and you have to pay more insurance - put a modern engine in and yep you guessed it - you have to pay more insurance
I've got a Tranny engine in my SIII. Footman James do my insurance. I think it was something around £220 for fully comp.
Been said before, but try NFU, they are used to all sorts of mods. Cheap insurance is only any good if you dont have a claim. Declare all mods in writing, or if you do have any sort of bump ( even if its the other guys fault) your insurance will have an excuse not pay out.
Been said before, but try NFU, they are used to all sorts of mods. Cheap insurance is only any good if you dont have a claim. Declare all mods in writing, or if you do have any sort of bump ( even if its the other guys fault) your insurance will have an excuse not pay out.

ive tried them but they won't touch me because i live in a town they say they only cover peops that live in or near the country side ?

ive tried them but they won't touch me because i live in a town they say they only cover peops that live in or near the country side ?


Ar, never thought of that. You could always say you have bought a horse and keep it in a field in the country:bounce:
I used to be with Footman James, no problem with any mods. Now with Peter Best, with them it's the more mods the better it seems.
I'm with footy james, im 19 with no no claims, in my first year, still this, its £420 FPFT. I asked about sticking a 200tdi in and they said it wouldnt change, just to tell em when i do!
Not exactly the same engine change but I've just insured my SIIa with a 3.3 ltr perkins conversion and found heritage the cheapest, they beat footman James in my case.
Be careful! Sometimes you cannot carry over no claims from footman james and some of the other insurers I was warned by a landy fan that was on the other end of the peter best he said yes its cheap but you wont have any no claims to pass on to another company as they do not use or go by no claims and therefore dont reward them. Jai

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