Read the batt drain thread in the FAQ section.

If yu had a drain of 0.05Amp, that equates to 0.6watts. Certainly not a 5W light!
More likely to be Electronics related.(BCU etc)

Not sure what you mean mate. Yesterday he said he got 0.05A and i reckon that's fine..

Today he said he got 0.4A which is 4.8W so 5W light, (he probably left something on) :)
Well, once these obvious things are out the way.. then I dunno.. loose wires and the alarm? that's when i slowly back away :p :D :p
If he follows the instructions i posted he will find the circuit that is causing the 0.4amp drain, he can then go from there to find the problem ;)

You do need to be methodical in fault finding ;)
Aye, but it was 0.05A yesterday. So I reckon he made a mistake today and left something on, or it's a hunt the short with it randomly going when you are testing. funtimes :D
So, to be clear, you left the battery connected last night and you used the same battery to start it up this morning, and it started fine?

If so then I'm thinking it is a loose connection or a bare wire somewhere that is shorting whenever it moves.

If that's correct, then you need to wait till it stops working again and then do the load test/ pull fuses, etc to identify the wire.

Yeh left the battery on last night and it started fine this morning, done a few trips to the tip today and its still fine.
Can i ask how you used the multi meter to find the 0.05A ???
Did you do it the same as i said???
When reading AMPS you have to measure as part of the circuit NOT across it :)
**** sorry, that's my fault, I've missed a 0 out. It was 0.04

*snigger* :D :dance:

Sounds fine to me. I think you are either going to have to get lucky and find a dodgy wire, or wait until it mucks up and do all the above again, but this time you can hunt it down. :)

daz might have more ideas :)
**** sorry, that's my fault, I've missed a 0 out. It was 0.04

That is priceless. :hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi

Nearly two more pages of discussions trying to work out where the 0.4A was coming from.

This is a great thread. Really interesting and informative reading the posts from those that know what they are talking about. I've nothing to contribute but encouragement, sorry. Rooting for ya buddy, hope you get it sorted soon.
This is a great thread. Really interesting and informative reading the posts from those that know what they are talking about. I've nothing to contribute but encouragement, sorry. Rooting for ya buddy, hope you get it sorted soon.

You taking the p*** mate?... don't come on here and take the mickey... it's not on.. I've spent ages learning how to google and talk sh.. rubbish
You taking the p*** mate?... don't come on here and take the mickey... it's not on.. I've spent ages learning how to google and talk sh.. rubbish

Ha ha, we'll you sound like you know your stuff, anyway. I'm learning lots following this thread. :)

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