Being a young girli, I choose a freelander cos they look good:p i thought all the jap cars looked nasty and r all owned by dumpy ald fellas with no style or taste:D and ne hair.whats with the wellies and combats:confused:
cala said:
Being a young girli, I choose a freelander cos they look good:p i thought all the jap cars looked nasty and r all owned by dumpy ald fellas with no style or taste:D and ne hair.whats with the wellies and combats:confused:

I got told off for saying that FL's were girlie cars :D
But I think they are more feminine than a 90 or a 110 ;)
cala said:
Being a young girli, I choose a freelander cos they look good:p i thought all the jap cars looked nasty and r all owned by dumpy ald fellas with no style or taste:D and ne hair.whats with the wellies and combats:confused:

yu bin lookin at my pic? :(

all about looks - no substance ;) :D :p

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