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Hi... just bought a Nov 17 Vogue 4.4 ... gesture tailgate was working but has now just packed in.... have tried swiping in and out as you are supposed to but nothing.... Can anyone help?
Sounds perverse. Hey baby lower yes lower. Does this play Barry White in the background. Nope sounds to Evoque to me.
That sounds like a ford trick??
There's nowt wrong with putting the shopping on the ground and pressing a button my mate. It does sound like a duff sensor or dirt even. ;)
That sounds like a ford trick??
There's nowt wrong with putting the shopping on the ground and pressing a button my mate. It does sound like a duff sensor or dirt even. ;)

'Ah the joys of modern (& often totally unnecessary) technology :rolleyes:
I watched an owner of one of these gadget-loaded LR's loading her shopping into the car after dramatically waving her foot under the bumper, not quite so smug when the tailgate started to close whilst she was under it with hands-full of shopping.

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