you don't have to have done anything and you don't necessarily deserve it either. but that dint stop us from letting you have it
yes i am i seem to do a lot of stupid things that i really shouldnt, im an electrician and a while ago i was working on a live board and my hand brushed agains a live busbar (thats bad if u didnt relise) and luckily didnt get a shock as i wasnt touching any thing that would make a return pah and i was on fiber glass steps at the time, now most normall people would have either stopped and either turned board off or put summin over it , but being me i thought fu*k it and i carried on and then the same thing happened again but this time my lil finger touched the back of the metal board and i got 1 hell of a shock and i was stuck on it so i did the really stupid thing of trying to pull my self off witht he other hand but put it on the other side of the board and then recived the worst shock ive ever had from arm to arm.

so feel free to correct your self ;)

lucky man. you really must take more care mate.
my uncle got a real nasty shock when doing his own house up. pulled out an old wire and it was live! he nearly died. his right hand is a real mess now and he cannot work anymore.
he was a very experienced tradesman/diy/property developer.
it has been a life changing accident.
so sad.

again, take care mate.
When I was a lad I worked with a electrician who was holding on to 0BA spanner when he shorted it across the bus bar on a power factor correction capacitor.
It vaporized the spanner and three of his fingers, this taught me to respect high current devices even when they are off.
Dont trust anyone or thing.
i respect it now a lot more than i did i was lucky i didnt go between 2 phases in the board or i would have a 415v shock but even more soo now an engineer that worked in the factory i work in some times was killed a few weeks ago doing a private job got a shock and died a few hours later in hospital.

yeap currents the killer not the voltage u can have a high voltage shock and feel no ill affects if theres only a lil bit current flowing and 0.3 amps is the deadly dose. oh and capiasitors are just evil when u get a shock from them even the small 1s
so are switched mode power supplies.
I remember about 6 years ago, I was working on a printer - had to remove power supply. Printer had been turned off for a week (but with mains cable unplugged!) - had an apprentice at the time - was just tellin him to be careful with switch mode ps , when i put finger across two contacts - next thing i was picking a smashed pcb up from across the other side of the room, and orf to doctors. Because the power lead was unplugged - it couldnt disipate the charge from the ps . result - deep flesh burn to my finger and the purchase of new power supply!
what you do is get hold of a condensor from a series landy. a length of two core cable wiff a plug on it. take both to the pub. plug in cable and charge up condensor for a few seconds. leave on beermat and some one will come over and say " ooo! whats that then ?" then they'll pick it up fer a closer look.
When I was a apprentice we got a electrolytic cap about the size of a beer tin and taped two wires one down each side, then we used a 500v insulation tester to charge it up (this is enough to put a notch in a screwdriver) and carefully play Russian catch with it (Yes we were young and stupid).
Watch out for them bipolar caps in switch modes they are evil bastards I too have been bit by them and its not nice, discharge them leave them discharge them again.
High voltage engineers all work with one hand in there pocket.
Talkin of doing stupid things with electricity.... Have you ever goined a couple of 9v batteries together the wrong way, leave em for a bit and you get some very interesting happenings! a while back mate of mine shoved a couple he'd 'borrowed' from a school in his pocket, they connected and he didn't half jump when the got a bit warm! Daft but funny!
wish i was a farmer and not a teacher! you can give cattle a bit o a shove if they go the wrong way! u can use a dog to round em up too! U can vent your anger by shootin the pests, get into trouble if you try that in a school!
wish i was a farmer and not a teacher! you can give cattle a bit o a shove if they go the wrong way! u can use a dog to round em up too! U can vent your anger by shootin the pests, get into trouble if you try that in a school!

yep thats right. an ye get to drive all over your own land in a variety of fourbys... and theres nothin any o them walkers or ramblers can do aboot it :) :) :) :)
So is it a play day over at Fatrovers farm then ?:rolleyes:
I would lock up your sheep when some of this lot are around though.:D

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