
New Member

I'm in Genoa and my Discovery 1's brake master cylinder has gone (thankfully not on a mountain road!). The breakdown people have been messing me around for 3 days so far, does anybody know of a place I can get the brake master cylinder mended in the area as quickly as possible? Was on my way on a huge trip to Russia which is rapidly falling to bits. I'd be so grateful if anyone's got any advice, I'm a student on a very limited budget which is disappearing with each day stuck..

Edit: read the "read before posting!". Further details: breakdown recovery service have taken disco to a garage in Genoa near the airport, I am in a hire car which I can have until 1pm tomorrow, and it's a Discovery 1 300 tdi from 1996.

Thank you so much in advance to anyone out there who could help!

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Thank you, I've just sent her a private message.

I have text messaged keeper of the numbers, I know she had domestic issues recently-but if we can get hold of her she can translate etc.

To save money look at a back packers hostel instead of hotel or b&b
Another suggestion is tourist information as they tend to speak multi language and may be able to look up independent land rover specialist
No usable contact for Mandy. Anyone remember the name of the club she off roads with? They'd be worth a shout
The tourist office gave me the number of the garage in Genoa the Disco's already at who can't or won't fix it.. hmm. I will keep searching.
Oh thank you! I'll look at this now

EDIT: Okay so nobody I called at Jambo 4x4 speaks English, and I don't speak Italian. I think I'm going to have to get the bloody thing repatriated, if it's less than the cost of the vehicle - I can't charge around northern italy looking for a master cylinder. Very boring. But thank you so much everyone for your help.
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Oh thank you! I'll look at this now

EDIT: Okay so nobody I called at Jambo 4x4 speaks English, and I don't speak Italian. I think I'm going to have to get the bloody thing repatriated, if it's less than the cost of the vehicle - I can't charge around northern italy looking for a master cylinder. Very boring. But thank you so much everyone for your help.

If you can get an email addy you/they can translate. By all accounts they're a good bunch.
Another option is Paddocks etc will post in a couple of days. Anythings got to be better than throwing in the towel for want of a MC
Well theres confused rumours that things are being sorted off forum...if so good luck.

If not give us another shout, I'm sure we could rustle up a translator if needed.

Let us know either way
Trying to wrack my brains , I think Mandy's off road buddies are the deadlanders , try getting hold of forgottenpoppy , she'd know for sure.

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