Yes Uncle accy has his screwdrivers out at the minute trying to fix it
Dun't really matter tho', dun't go in there much. Why cun't it be the Gaylander bit that packs up? We wun't miss that at all. :rolleyes:
Dun't really matter tho', dun't go in there much. Why cun't it be the Gaylander bit that packs up? We wun't miss that at all. :rolleyes:
FFS, be a bit fair Grippa, it's the only reliable thing in a Gaylander driver's life (oh, that and KY)
hello?anyone out there??! am I alone on LZ??!all I can see is me!!ah well least I wont upset anyone!!

think i'l come back in a week...once rattys been demoted...
hello?anyone out there??! am I alone on LZ??!all I can see is me!!ah well least I wont upset anyone!!

think i'l come back in a week...once rattys been demoted...

You're a bit optimistic aint you? A whole week.:eek: :p

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