Hopefully this reaches JM, I have taken out the seat box and adjusted the screws on the springs but still did not locate fourth, stripped off the turret and dif selector and am faced with a square hole with a bar and small cd holder - task is to find my missing fourth gear as suggested by JM but alas I am at a loss as to how to achieve this, all options considered that don't involve anything other general tools.

Thanks again
Sitrep - used a spanner to move the CD holder, it appears that I have R 1 2 3 4 no 5. This is all with no engine on, so I am hoping it replicates once back together. I still need to figure out fifth and after finding fourth I am hopeful.

Apologises for not being able to use this site correctly bug I am after putting on JM to tell me more on that baulk ring on five, or I am thinking that the adjustment of the turret is where I am really messing up, has Antonella got an idiots guide (Janet & John edition) on how to adjust these as I can't get me head around it.


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