the rock

New Member
hi, i have a 3.9 v8 discovery i was driving it today and the gears seemed to be getting stiff when changing and then 100 yards down the road i lost drive, i have no clutch pedal and i can just pust the gear stick into any gear and nothing will happen, it still starts but it seems to vibrate when running, has my gearbox blown up? any help would be great thanks, o ye its done 150000 miles
not had it to long so not checked it yet, maybe i should of, so will the gearbox be ok, its just the clutch thats given up
if youve lost pedal its either run out of fluid ,release arm pivot has worn through arm ,clutch bust,gearboxes can fail and loose drive through poor lubrication where input shaft and lay shaft gears loose there teeth but doesnt normally effect clutch pedal,id check gear box oil and clutch fluid ,remove slave cylinder and check release arm
am i right in thinking that even if my clutch has gone or in have no fluid, when i put it into gear i should still get drive? but i put it in gear and nothing it just vibrates!
no fluid would mean you wouldnt be able to release clutch to get gears but would have drive abd could be if started in gear ,if clutch center torn out or clutch cover broken it wouldnt transmit drive from engine to gearbox

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