I can get a gearbox easy enough but swapping it without an engine crain or hoist is my issue.
The first time I did mine I did it without an engine crane. I would not do it again and now alwyas try and borrow a crane. You may be able to rent them from you local tool hire shop. But it is posisble without it is just heavy and awkward and requires both you and a freind to be strong enough to comfortable lift the gear box.
I remove the transfer box by laying underneath it bench press style while a friend levers/wiggles it off the gearbox, and then lower it to my chest and then the floor. Refitting is exactly the same in reverse. I still use that method now rather than a crane. The gearbox is a similar procedure with one of you lifting underneath and one of you lifting from the top with a strap looped around the gearbox. Easy enough to remove but a real pain to get lined up for refitting, that is much easier with a crane.

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