
Evening everyone
I posted a thread a couple of months ago about a gearbox problem . After running for a few miles i could only get upto second gear i could rev its nuts off but it wouldn't change up. So i did what people suggested change the gearbox oil etc but i did it again at the weekend but this time i stopped switched off for a minute, fired up again and it was back to normal . Any ideas :mad::mad:
Thanks for the reply didn't get any messages and its working perfectly now as smooth as anything
It does sound like it could have overheated, the oil cooler is a little inadequate unless its in tip top condition, it is also fed by the bottom few rows of the main radiator which gets choked up with start with changing that as they are relatively cheap and easy to install
+1 to overheat....

Also, the Oil Cooler isn't directly linked to the Rad - the coolant is piped to the oil cooler from further up the system and passes through a Wax Stat mounted on the oil cooler back plate...

What happens is the Cooler does get silted up as it is mounted low in the engine bay, but it is doesn't get this silt because it is mounted on the bottom of the rad as it is separate to it....also it gets gummed up from oil gearbox oil and the debris is carries...
+1 to overheat....

Also, the Oil Cooler isn't directly linked to the Rad - the coolant is piped to the oil cooler from further up the system and passes through a Wax Stat mounted on the oil cooler back plate...

What happens is the Cooler does get silted up as it is mounted low in the engine bay, but it is doesn't get this silt because it is mounted on the bottom of the rad as it is separate to it....also it gets gummed up from oil gearbox oil and the debris is carries...

have a look at the links below for saints info, posts 39 and 41, i am in the throws of replacing the cooler, stat and pipes oh and mount while i rebuild my box if you have cash to spare

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