
Hi all, has anyone else had this problem, the old filler/level plug on my r380 gearbox was knackered the torx drive was chewed up inside, managed to remove it and went to fit the new filler/level plug but the new one screwed in so far it fell inside the gearbox . can anyone tell me if i can retrieve it through the drain plug or is it a gearbox out job. any help would be much appreciated :(
yep sounds simple shouldn't have wound it in so far but there again I thought there would have been a stop of some sort, you can't wind a diff plug in to far?
I accidentally dropped a detent ball bearing into a series box full of new oil once, a magnetic pick up tool come to the rescue, although I was sweating for a minute or 2 !
well 2 hours,a bit of welding rod with a bit of speaker magnet taped to the end and a lot of swearing later job done. yes the oil filler/level plug will fit through the drain plug :D
Jammy git! If that had happened to me I'd of ended up taking the gearbox out via the sunroof knowing my luck.
Amazing! :banana:
I assume the drain hole is larger than fill/level hole for the plug to be removed in this way.
you taped a magnet to a rod... oh how that could have ended badly..imagine tape not holding and magnet getting stuck in there too..

but well done..2 hours though wow

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