
Active Member
Ok so I did the first of the 3 expected sump dumps this evening,
Firstly I was surprised at how horrid and thin the old oil was (pictured)
Secondly I was surprised on 2.5 litres came out so I assumed it must have been low on fluid.
I guess the good news is there was no sign of anything in the oil, no shimmering or glizzening so no metal.
But the bad/odd thing is that I could only get 2.7 litres back into it, the car looked level but maybe it was pointed downhill slightly,
Anything else that could cause this?
That's odd, I'm sure I got about the 2.7 static, but nearly another litre once running. (NOT measured, but 7 litres was bought and 2.5ish remains)
Maybe it was 6 litres bought......, doubting myself now!

Might take a while to get most of the old. crap out at this rate lol
When I had volvos there was a way to flush the system in one go, would take about 16litres but did a good job, can’t think how to modify the procedure for the landy though, it involved filling through the dipstick tube and draining through the oil cooler feed
Did you drain it hot or cold?

35 is marginal (if accurate), 40-50 is preferred I believe, which takes some time from cold start-up, at least 25 mins.(Idling), but given fluid expands as it gets hotter then in theory you should of had the opposite problem, ie.... slightly over filling???
Drained it warm I’d say, about 20-25 minutes after a 3 mile drive home, I’ll do it again at the weekend and get myself a better thermometer I think, I was surprised to only get 2.5 out to be honest, I’d read more like 4.5 comes out
Well, I intended to measure what actually came out but failed on that score.
I need to definitively find out how much the friend ordered before I can categorically reply truthfully.
All I can say with reasonable certainty is it took nearly a litre to fill once engine was running, at 40 ish degrees (infra red thermometer)
I got me one of these, nifty little thing.:)

Or if you wish to support Job creation @ Toolstation then......

Draper Infrared Thermometer 12:1£31.12Each
......what kind of mark up are they getting, I ask you?

Really good things. Used one to diagnose a cooling system fault on my old boat. Much better than feeling pipes and skin tanks with your hand.
Ok so good old amazon delivered a new thermostat to me, turns out my old one was measuring around 40% low,
Did another sump dump although I hadn’t done many miles but the fluid was back to a thin grim black colour again, 2.5 out again and 2.5 back in,
So after letting the engine warm up to 50% on the new thermometer I could get another 1.8 litres in, taking it up to 4.3, litres.
A noticeable difference on the test drive, much smoother acceleration,
I do think finding a way to do a full flush, draining and refilling while the cars running would be a big benefit.
Testing oil / component temperature with your elbow is not conducive to pinpoint accuracy. :D

So your back on track re. quantities, at least par to my experiences, which is reassuring.
A couple or three more dumps and what comes out will look like what goes in, which is the ultimate goal.

I wouldn't be overrly keen to a full fluid flush, not if what you have is still murky, let the percentages do it's work and wait a few weeks between them.
I do think finding a way to do a full flush, draining and refilling while the cars running would be a big benefit.

If you took it into a garage for a full flush, they hook it up to a machine and intercept the cooler pipes somewhere I believe, so it is do-able with the right kit.
T'was my worry, heard bad things about mega flushes.

It looks specialist so it must be good, right?
Don't talk to me about specialists I saw one a couple of weeks ago,the forth by the way, about my sore throat and his advice at £300 an hour was " train your brain so when you feel like coughing you dont ". Just like going to the Main Stealers, shafted or what.:eek:

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