
Can anybody help with identifying this gearbox from the photo? I get the c suffix but not the s prefix? Also 901 gearboxes were suffix a if I'm not mistaken?
Looking to tear down and rebuild is it best just to tear it apart before making any assumptions as to parts to order?
It selects all gears and turns over freely just want to make sure it's a solid spare just in case the inevitable happens one day lol
Many thanks for any input
That’s a series 3 box but most likely 2a as it has the clutch slave housing on the LHS, the S means synchro on all 4 gears, if you’re keen to work on it, then best clean outside, strip , clean inside, inspect for wear, order bits you need then rebuild, they strip down quite quickly and not too hard to put together , don’t need many special tools.
Green bible a must and you tube helpful
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That’s a series 3 box but most likely 2a as it has the clutch slave housing on the LHS, the S means synchro on all 4 gears, if you’re keen to work on it, then best clean outside, strip , clean inside, inspect for wear, order bits you need then rebuild, they strip down quite quickly and not too hard to put together , don’t need many special tools.
Green bible a must and you tube helpful
Thanks Steve
It could be an amalgamation of anything I guess. Service exchange suffix c maybe? Yes I'm willing to have a crack at it keep me out of trouble going Into new year and beyond lol
Have a good Christmas 🎄 😊
Some very late production Series 2a had a full syncro box but they were suffix D. Given the position of suffix on the transfer box it is a series 3 box. [2's had it on the actual gearbox] @steve2286w series 3 have clutch housing on the left.
"steamwally" has some very good videos series box overhaul on the you tube.
Some very late production Series 2a had a full syncro box but they were suffix D. Given the position of suffix on the transfer box it is a series 3 box. [2's had it on the actual gearbox] @steve2286w series 3 have clutch housing on the left.
"steamwally" has some very good videos series box overhaul on the you tube.
Thanks totot I'm thinking it's been apart and rebuilt before with different parts/boxes
Looking forward to see what's inside lol
Have a gd 🎄
it will be interesting as i got a suffix D box from a fella a few months back for my old blue 2a as mine has worn 1st rev and has broken retainer 2 out of 3 springs 2 are broken for the synchro hub on the 3rd-4th cluster, it dont pop out of gear so i been holding off rebuilding the spare i got. thing is the throw on the changes on this suffix d is the same for all geras and i heard synchro series 3 boxes had a short throw on some gears.?
not that I’ve noticed, 1-4 is on a standard H with selector rods having the detents and clamps in same place with similar movements of gear lever
Recently overhauled my series 3 box that was jumping out of 2nd and then lost reverse. Finally got it back in truck and drove it for the first time last month, gear throws notably shorter and tighter now it is back as it should be.
not that I’ve noticed, 1-4 is on a standard H with selector rods having the detents and clamps in same place with similar movements of gear lever
ahh ok i read somewhere that they reckon the length of movement on 3rd to 4th was shorter then 1st to 2nd and i assumed it was right but it might not be, ohh i have driven a series 3 109 and i think it was a inline 2.6 6cyl and it did have shorter run from 3rd to 4th. it might differ on some maybe.

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