
I've been away for a couple of weeks, went to start my P38 4.6 this evening and it doesn't turn over and I get a gearbox fault message. I've done some searching and this seems to be caused by voltage drop so I've got the battery on charge. My question is whether this fault will just clear itself or do I need to do anything else?

if its just a low battery problem, which it sounds like it is then it should just clear, you dont have to do anything about it. When the batteries get low they can throw up quite a few random faults.
if its just a low battery problem, which it sounds like it is then it should just clear, you dont have to do anything about it. When the batteries get low they can throw up quite a few random faults.

Thanks, I've just checked and it starts now, letting it charge some more.

As Tommo says, usualy relates to a flat/low battery...don't loose any sleep over it.
It will disappear as soon as the battery is charged or replaced. If the battery is on it's last legs, change it before you get more serious problems.

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